

There was something in me this weekend. Something big and rushed and anxious and nasty, swelling past forever, leaking into the five burroughs, even

queens, which i forget is a burrough.  even past that.

my ideal situatio
n would be ridi
ng bikes, sipping lemonade through paved
 paths in the washington forests with p
aul simon, quinn, and thoreau.  may
be henry miller.  maybe grown up anne
 frank.  talking to the ghosts of my a
ncestors.  the 
ones i dont know about.  the ones who 
looked like me.  and i trip on the resurrec
tion stone.  and my dress gets dirty.  we 
are all wearing the costumes from 
where the wild t
hings are.

i think she was right when she said literature was the only real counter culture.

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