

god bless web 2.0

maybe my biggest fault is sentimentality. maybe illogical empathy. maybe caring too much about the wrong stuff and too little about the right stuff. maybe being okay with the shades of grey, or at least not shaken by them. maybe thinking outside the box. maybe romanticizing the 0s and 1s. maybe reaching too low or trying too little when I knew the price and the sacrifice. maybe thinking too hard. maybe speaking too soon. maybe this inherited, ever-present insomnia. maybe this desire to write and write and write and make-up, usually self-focused. maybe narcissism. maybe apathy, like he once said. maybe getting lost in the cloud. maybe believing in the magic. maybe having it all and never having enough.

in my conversational computing class we had to respond to a web post about how IT affects us. i couldn't answer the question; it was too broad, and too illusive. tim berners-lee was practically gutenberg. I've said it before, but technology is a communicator and a barrier.

1 comment:

Matt Wood said...

the worst one can do is ignore it.